Anjali and Naresh Gujral Farmhouse

Year : 2001-2003

Location: New Delhi


The farmhouse for Anjali and Naresh Gujral was designed and built at the same time as their residence but involved a completely different setting of a large landscape. All the other houses done by Raj Rewal have been in various neighbourhoods of Delhi but the specific locale of this residential unit garnered a different contextual response to its surroundings. Even though his urban dwellings connected the indoor areas with the outdoors, the farmhouse required an expanded character that opened out to the outdoor spaces very distinctly.


The architect conceptualised the plan as literally ‘a house in the landscape’, with big windows and deep verandahs merging boundaries of the large rooms and enhancing the idea of outdoor living. The double storeyed farmhouse arranges the living and dining areas, and the kitchen around

a huge courtyard, while the bedrooms are located upstairs. Underlining its concept of farmhouse life, a swimming pool is also part of the scheme. The farmhouse has been detailed extensively in exposed brick with the interior surfaces painted white. The expansive windows use laminated structural glass to allow unhindered and framed views of the scenic surroundings, blending the inner and